Asheville Alternative Wellness Center offers several different types of therapeutic massage to meet your needs.
Arvigo Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Therapy



Manual Medicine

Arvigo Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Therapy
Looking for Rosita Arvigo's Mayan Abdominal Massage, or Mayan Abdominal Therapy in Asheville, NC? Not many practices in this area offer it, but we do. Mayan Abdominal Therapy is a non-invasive, external massage technique. It guides internal abdominal organs into their proper position for optimum health and well-being. The technique works by relieving congestion and blockages to improve the flow of chi and fluids of the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems to prevent the progression of chronic disease symptomatology. Mayan Abdominal Massage improves organ function by releasing physical and emotional congestion from the abdomen. This massage is effective for men, women, and all genders. Read about certified Mayan Abdominal therapist Tatianna Sanabria, Licensed Acupuncturist & Masters of Science.
Craniosacral Therapy
Those seeking Craniosacral Therapy in Asheville need look no further. Craniosacral Therapy — or CST — is a gentle, hands-on manipulation of a physiological body system called the cranio-sacral system. This system is comprised of the soft tissue and bones of the cranium (or head), the spine and the pelvis. Massage therapists that perform craniosacral therapy also target the membranes and cerebrospinal fluids that surround and cushion the brain and spinal cord from injury during a therapy session. Craniosacral therapists usually feel for the rhythm of your body and work with you natural healing vibration for prompt and effective healing. Read about certified CST therapist Tatianna Sanabria, Licensed Acupuncturist & Masters of Science.
Manual Medicine
So-tai is a Japanese based musculo-skeletal body work utilizing similar techniques as reciprocal inhibition, agonist/antagonist, and strain/counterstrain. Like these similar types of manual medicine, So-Tai is used to increase range of motion, speed up recovery from injury, and reduce inflammation. If you've been seeking So-tai in Asheville, you've come to the right place. Read about So-Tai practioners Tatianna Sanabria, Licensed Acupuncturist & Masters of Science and Zachari Cahn, Licensed Acupuncturist & Masters of Science.
Manual medicine, Medical Massage and the Chinese form of anatomy based manual therapy called Tui-Na (pronounced Twee Nah) are all offered at Asheville Acupuncture Wellness Center. Tui-Na is a Chinese musculo-skeletal-based massage that utilizes orthopedic tests to diagnose specific involved anatomy. Tui-na is a great type of body work used in adjunct with acupuncture or on its own to treat chronic and acute pain and sports injuries. Read about Tui-Na therapist Zachari Cahn, Licensed Acupuncturist & Masters of Science.
If you're looking for these modalities of massage in Asheville, look no further. Please call Asheville Alternative Wellness center at (828) 242-0990 or contact us here today. You and your family's well-being is worth it.