When patients come to us with various diseases and disorders in Asheville, often a range of treatment is needed (acupuncture, herbs, supplements) to effectively address them. What we've discovered, though, is that many common (and even more serious) disorders can be drastically improved with nutrition alone; more often than not this is an integral part of the treatment plan. We always offer (but do not push) nutrition counseling for a range of diseases, including high cholesterol, diabetes, stress, anxiety, insomnia and many others. Many patients come to us for weight loss in Asheville.
Nutrition Facts According to the Center for Disease Control
Healthy eating is associated with reduced risk for many diseases, including several of the leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.
Healthy eating in childhood and adolescence is important for proper growth and development and can prevent health problems such as obesity, dental caries, iron deficiency, and osteoporosis.
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free and low-fat dairy products for persons aged 2 years and older. The guidelines also recommend that children, adolescents, and adults limit intake of solid fats (major sources of saturated and trans fatty acids), cholesterol, sodium, added sugars, and refined grains.3 Unfortunately, most young people are not following the recommendations set forth in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Proper nutrition promotes the optimal growth and development of children
Healthy eating helps prevent high cholesterol and high blood pressure and helps reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Healthy eating helps reduce one’s risk for developing obesity, osteoporosis, iron deficiency, and dental caries (cavities).
Consequences of a Poor Diet
A poor diet can lead to energy imbalance (e.g., eating more calories than one expends through physical activity) and can increase one’s risk for overweight and obesity.
A poor diet can increase the risk for lung, esophageal, stomach, colorectal, and prostate cancers.
Individuals who eat fast food one or more times per week are at increased risk for weight gain, overweight, and obesity.
Drinking sugar-sweetened beverages can result in weight gain, overweight, and obesity
If you're interested in eating well to feel better, and are tired of 'fad' diets and deprivation, it's time for a personalized approach to nutrition in Asheville. Please call us at (828) 242-0990 or contact us to schedule your consultation today.